CanAirIO World Map


In the looking for have a map of our public fixed stations, we are working some possible solutions. Please if you know about infrastructure, web development and compatible topics, we need help with that.

CanAirIO World Map

For publish your station in this map, you need:

Via CanAirIO app:

Please follow the steps described here, after some seconds, you should see your station in the map.

Via CanAirIO CLI:

Please follow the steps described here for enter to the firmware CLI, and configure your fixed station.

CanAirIO World Map

AQICN World Map

When you enable your fixed station, also it will be shown in the AQICN world map, for example one of our stations:

CanAirIO World Map

Daquina World Map

Thanks to the Hackerspace and collective Unlocker we have another alternative:

Daquina World Map